Lol right!

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Such a good piece. Can’t wait to gossip with you

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Ha ha 😂 bahut mazzedaar

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Such a fun piece 😌

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Thanks, Sharmada; I enjoyed the essay. On the subject, and as a good writer (reader), I think you will enjoy this unusual take on the value of gossip: "Gossip was a powerful tool for the powerless in Ancient Greece" - you can read it here --> https://bigthink.com/the-present/gossip-was-a-powerful-tool-for-the-powerless-in-ancient-greece-2628988811/

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Thank you for reading!! And also for sharing this - this is fascinating!!

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I laughed a little too much

Best friend from 2nd class till 2nd class. Whaaaat! 🤣

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Always happy to make people laugh!

Hahha yes, he left school before class 3 started xD

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