Oh Sharmada! This brought back so many memories of my summer holidays although I was living in Chennai and not visiting! Murugan lending library in Adyar??? Every book the bff and I borrowed from Murugan lending library was carefully curated by my dad😀. Thank you for writing this!

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Makes me very happy, Supriya! And yes - in Adyar!!! <3 How cool is this.

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What a blessing these summer holidays were, Sharmada! I was reminiscing about several family moments and the simple pleasures of life a few days ago myself, and it’s just so special. Yours sounds just as wonderful. So evocative, resonant and beautiful to read.

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They're truly special and such a blessing, Tanya!! I've been dreaming about those summer holidays a lot this year. Glad this resonated :)

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Oh this is such a treat! What is the name of that white flower, Sharmada?

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Thank you, Sanobar!! I had to look it up because I vaguely remember the Tamil word. I also just found out that while people refer to it as a type of jasmine but technically it isn't. Look up: Nyctanthes arbor-tristis.

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I think 'a type of jasmine' works just right for me LOL

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Parijat is the name of the flower

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I grew up in Madras even if a decade if not more earlier than you I am thinking - Internet was not even a thing in my childhood. It remains my favourite city in this country. Your essay so simply and beautifully written brought back bags of memories of hot summer afternoons. Thank you so much for writing it.

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Delighted to hear this resonated with you! Madras is truly something else :)

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this right here is the most apt description of Indian summers, and how grandparents make it more beautiful<3 loved reading this soooo much

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So pleased you enjoyed reading this - Indian summers with grandparental homes are absolutely precious.

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Delightful read

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